Safety Planning
Safety planning is the first step in fleeing a violent situation.
Call or text to work with an Advocate on how to safely exit a dangerous situation.
Lethality rates are highest when a victim of domestic violence attempts to leave. It is important to know how to do this safely. Things to consider are what documents are important to gather, timing and other important considerations. Turning Pointe Advocates are available 24/7.
If you are in immediate danger, dial 911
24 Hour Crisis Support Call Line
Calling Hours
Crisis Support Texting
Texting Hours
Monday – Friday:
7:00am – 10:00pm
7:00am – 6:00pm
If your partner is abusive, it is important to have a safety plan for you and you children in case the violence happens again.
Plan ahead:
- Make copies of important papers (for example, social security cards, birth certificates, restraining orders, bank account statements, insurance policies, marriage license) and hide them.
- Hide a bag with extra clothing (somewhere other than your home).
- Hide money, ATM card or an extra set of keys.
- Identify a safe place to go and practice how to get there. Make plans to take your children with you.
- Remove weapons from the home.
- Ask a neighbor to call the police if they hear or see the violence.
- Prepare the older children to leave and call the police from a neighbors home if you can’t get away.
During an incident:
- Call 911 for help.
- Get out if you can.
- Bring important papers listed above.
- If you must leave without the children, come back with the police to get them.
You are not alone.
No matter what your loved one has told you, the abuse is not your fault. You have the right to live without being hurt.
Domestic violence is a serious health concern for you and your children.