Serving Kitsap County & North Mason County


Turning pointe esta en asociación con St Micheals responde a las llamadas de SANE en persona las 24 horas del día.


Shelter Advocate


1 in 3 women,
1 in 7 men,
experience domestic violence

Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison

About Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center

Providing shelter and services for victims of domestic violence (DV) including women, children, men and family pets since 2000

With 56 beds Turning Pointe operates one of the largest domestic violence shelters in the state.  Our shelter was built in 2008 and is unique in that we allow clients to bring their pets to the shelter. This is especially important because victims of domestic violence often stay in an abusive home because they are not willing to leave their pets with the abuser.

Emergency shelter
Legal and medical advocacy
Referrals and support groups

Thank you for calming me down and listening. I have been living with this violence for over 10 years and have never told anyone. You made my heart smile today. Thank you for caring.


I truly am grateful for all your hard work making sure survivors have a safe place. Thank you.


Thanks for listening and believing me. No one wants to believe men are victims or that men need help, but we do.

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How we help

We make a difference in the lives of people going through a very traumatic time.


Be a part of making our shelter rooms warm and welcoming for the women and children that come to us seeking safety.

Families often times come to us with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. When they finally are able to enter their room, we want them to feel welcomed and cared for. 

Contact for more information on how YOU can support our Shelter.

Cards By Survivors

 Purchase cards with art created by the youth and families supported by the center.

Set of 6 – 5×7 blank cards, includes envelopes
$12 plus $5 for shipping

This summer, we were planning a family art night to offer families impacted by domestic and sexual violence an opportunity to have fun, connect, and create together. We provided some food and a variety of art projects for youth and families. One of the art projects that families could participate in was this Cards by Survivors project. If survivors wanted to, they could create a piece of art and submit it to be used for this project. Then, several submissions were chosen to be made into cards that we could sell to donors in the community.